Soft Stripping

Booth Hill Demolition has extensive experience in large scale soft strips. We have worked on several multi storey full strip outs of office buildings for refurbishment into student accommodation, or vice versa. The type of strip outs we undertake can range from full rip outs back to shell including removal of block walls, partition walls, ceilings, removal of all mechanical and electrical equipment, removal of windows etc. Or can be softer strip outs of just fixtures and fittings etc.

Our team are fully qualified in all aspects of strip out work, whether that be IPAF trained for working from mobile elevated working platforms, PASMA trained for working from tower scaffolds/podiums, to asbestos awareness, manual handling etc. Our site managers and supervisors are all qualified to SSSTS/SMSTS standards.

Liberty Bridge consisted of the internal refurbishment of existing student residential accommodation at Liberty Bridge, Cardiff

Soft Stripping
Project Value: £185,155.00

Works included a full strip out back to shell, which included removal of all kitchens, ceiling tiles and grids, non-loadbearing partitions, furniture, floor coverings, bathrooms etc. We began on the 21st floor and gradually worked our way down to the 5th floor over a phased programme.


Full Deconstruction Icons

Full Deconstruction

Partial Deconstruction Icon

Partial Deconstruction

High Reach Deconstruction Icon

High Reach Mechanical Deconstruction

Talk to us about mechanical demolition

If you would like to enquire about our mechanical demolition services, please give us a call on 0161 850 7227, or fill in our enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.